Spaceport America Cup ... launches on hold due to rain!
(too old to reply)
2024-06-21 18:30:58 UTC
The Experimental Sounding Rocket Association's intercollegiate rocket
event is taking a break due to rain. This event is held near
Tombstone, NM and adjacent to White Sands Missile Range, an area where
rain is an everyday event.

Spaceport America is probably best known for Virgin Galactic flights,
and just a few days ago VG flew the last flight of VSS Unity, as they
prepare the next gen birds.

And right now, we have the next generation of rocketeers trying to
launch high speed amateur rockets. Some of these are as large as 6 ft
or 2m. NSF is streaming some of the launches today, but right now
there is a weather hold.

NSF streamed a tour of the "great hall" event, where the teams had
their rockets on display, and available to be interviewed. Something
like 176 teams were there.

Why would I want to be alone with my thoughts?
Have you heard some of the shit that comes out of my mouth?
-- the World Wide Web
2024-06-21 18:44:36 UTC
The Experimental Sounding Rocket Association's intercollegiate rocket event
is taking a break due to rain. This event is held near Tombstone, NM and
adjacent to White Sands Missile Range, an area where rain is an everyday
Spaceport America is probably best known for Virgin Galactic flights, and
just a few days ago VG flew the last flight of VSS Unity, as they prepare the
next gen birds.
And right now, we have the next generation of rocketeers trying to launch
high speed amateur rockets. Some of these are as large as 6 ft or 2m. NSF
is streaming some of the launches today, but right now there is a weather
NSF streamed a tour of the "great hall" event, where the teams had their
rockets on display, and available to be interviewed. Something like 176
teams were there.
Team 49 is from Instanbul Technical University.

Why would I want to be alone with my thoughts?
Have you heard some of the shit that comes out of my mouth?
-- the World Wide Web
2024-06-21 18:57:55 UTC
The Experimental Sounding Rocket Association's intercollegiate rocket event
is taking a break due to rain. This event is held near Tombstone, NM and
adjacent to White Sands Missile Range, an area where rain is an everyday
Spaceport America is probably best known for Virgin Galactic flights, and
just a few days ago VG flew the last flight of VSS Unity, as they prepare the
next gen birds.
And right now, we have the next generation of rocketeers trying to launch
high speed amateur rockets. Some of these are as large as 6 ft or 2m. NSF
is streaming some of the launches today, but right now there is a weather
NSF streamed a tour of the "great hall" event, where the teams had their
rockets on display, and available to be interviewed. Something like 176
teams were there.
There are also videos at

2024-06-21 18:59:09 UTC
On Friday or thereabouts, Snidely asked ...
Post by Snidely
The Experimental Sounding Rocket Association's intercollegiate rocket event
is taking a break due to rain. This event is held near Tombstone, NM and
adjacent to White Sands Missile Range, an area where rain is an everyday
Spaceport America is probably best known for Virgin Galactic flights, and
just a few days ago VG flew the last flight of VSS Unity, as they prepare
the next gen birds.
And right now, we have the next generation of rocketeers trying to launch
high speed amateur rockets. Some of these are as large as 6 ft or 2m. NSF
is streaming some of the launches today, but right now there is a weather
NSF streamed a tour of the "great hall" event, where the teams had their
rockets on display, and available to be interviewed. Something like 176
teams were there.
There are also videos at
<URL:https://spaceportamericacup.com> of course.
Post by Snidely
"I'm glad unicorns don't ever need upgrades."
"We are as up as it is possible to get graded!"
_Phoebe and Her Unicorn_, 2016.05.15