Crew 8 flight day 2 approaching
(too old to reply)
2024-03-05 03:48:00 UTC
Very nice liftoff for commercial launch services and NASA's Crew 8, now
approaching 24 hours of flight and 4 hours from the ISS.

But happiness cannot be pursued; it must ensue. One must have a reason
to 'be happy.'"
Viktor Frankl
2024-03-13 02:35:06 UTC
Post by Snidely
Very nice liftoff for commercial launch services and NASA's Crew 8, now
approaching 24 hours of flight and 4 hours from the ISS.
Not only was /Endeavour/'s docking successful, but since then Crew 7
rotated out and had a successful landing off Pensacola on March 12.
/Endurance/ has now logged 3 flights and a flight time of 532 days and
15 hours. /Endeavour/, of course, is the fleet leader with 4 1/2
flights and now about 571 days and counting.