Another Falcon 9 intermission
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2024-08-31 08:00:52 UTC
The reuse fleet leader Falcon 9 for SpaceX was briefly Booster 1062.
Briefly, because the landing included an unplanned fireball and a rapid
disassembly of one of the landing legs.

No doubt you're already read about in your favorite textual source, and
viewed and reviewed the video footage over and over, but here's a
couple links anyway:

The investigation is still underway, but under a finding of "not a
danger to public safety", the FAA approved SpaceX's return-to-flight
request. Booster 1069 launched and landed it's 18th flight, about 48
hours after B1062's last attempt, from Cape Canaveral. B1081 is less
than an hour away from an attempt at Vandeberg.

Rule #0: Don't be on fire.
In case of fire, exit the building before tweeting about it.
(Sighting reported by Adam F)
2024-08-31 08:59:04 UTC
Post by Snidely
The reuse fleet leader Falcon 9 for SpaceX was briefly Booster 1062.
Briefly, because the landing included an unplanned fireball and a rapid
disassembly of one of the landing legs.
No doubt you're already read about in your favorite textual source, and
viewed and reviewed the video footage over and over, but here's a couple
The investigation is still underway, but under a finding of "not a danger to
public safety", the FAA approved SpaceX's return-to-flight request. Booster
1069 launched and landed it's 18th flight, about 48 hours after B1062's last
attempt, from Cape Canaveral. B1081 is less than an hour away from an
attempt at Vandeberg.
B1081 has completed it's 9th flight and landing, and the second stage
is looking good as of SECO-1.

We’ve learned way more than we wanted to know about the early history
of American professional basketball, like that you could have once
watched a game between teams named the Indianapolis Kautskys and the
Akron Firestone Non-Skids. -- fivethirtyeight.com